Ribfest Is Coming

The annual Antique Trac­tor Show at the Williams County Fair­grounds is adding some­thing new this year… Rib Fest.

The trac­tor show is hosted each year by the Williams County Senior Fair Board. This year, they say the idea for Rib Fest orig­i­nated with the county’s local pork pro­duc­ers, who approached them about start­ing a new tra­di­tion.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the gates open for the trac­tor show Sat­ur­day and Sun­day at 7 a.m. Rib Fest gets under­way Sat­ur­day from 4–11 p.m.

Admit­tance to the trac­tor show is $3 for adults… kids 12 and under get in free. There will be an addi­tional charge for food, such as pulled pork sand­wiches and other items in addi­tion to ribs.

Rib Fest com­pe­ti­tion teams will pre­pare pork ribs to be judged by a panel of judges and then atten­dees can vote for their favorite ribs.

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