Robbery Reaction’s Swift

Local res­i­dents are express­ing a mix of emo­tions fol­low­ing the sec­ond rob­bery of Gen­Fed Finan­cial Credit Union in less than two months.

On Thurs­day, four armed ban­dits robbed the finan­cial insti­tu­tion and left the scene with an undis­closed amount of money. The Pauld­ing County Sheriff’s Office and the FBI con­tinue to inves­ti­gate the case.

Accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, Sher­iff Jason Lan­ders believes that two of the four were involved in an ear­lier rob­bery at Gen­Fed on Oct. 22.

Patri­cia Ross, Antwerp Local Schools super­in­ten­dent: “Our build­ing is always locked, but we take extra pre­cau­tions. We remind stu­dents not to open (out­side) doors, which they aren’t sup­posed to do any­way. Oth­er­wise it was busi­ness as usual. The first one was more unnerv­ing than this one. We knew a bit more about what to do (this time).”

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