Robinson Benefit Scheduled

A ben­e­fit for the David Robin­son fam­ily is sched­uled for this Sat­ur­day at Fairview High School.

The event is set to be held from 4-9pm, with all pro­ceeds going to the David Robin­son Fam­ily Ben­e­fit. Robin­son was a long-time coach and ath­letic direc­tor at Fairview High School.

Those who attend this com­ing Sat­ur­day will enjoy a deli­cious din­ner begin­ning at 4, includ­ing pulled pork creamy chicken, hot dogs, coleslaw, potato salad, dessert, a drink and an ice cream bar. And it’s all avail­able for a free will dona­tion to the David Robin­son Fam­ily Ben­e­fit.

There will also be a silent auc­tion, bake sale, kids activ­i­ties includ­ing a crab race, magi­cian, and other activ­i­ties, a 50/50 raf­fle, and a live auc­tion.

Up for grabs will be two tick­ets to the Ohio State-Michigan foot­ball game, along with items from NASCAR, the NBA, NHL, and PGA.

You will also have the oppor­tu­nity to bid on a three-night stay in a North Car­olina condo, a year’s mem­ber­ship to St. Mike’s Golf Course, and a three-month mem­ber­ship to the Williams County YMCA.

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