Sev­eral runs were held recently with Hal­loween themes. Many of the runs, such as the Zom­bie Run in Edger­ton and Boo Run Run in Napoleon, were new addi­tions to race sched­ules this year. The races helped indi­vid­u­als get some exer­cise as well as in the Hal­loween spirit while ben­e­fit­ing var­i­ous causes and orga­ni­za­tions.

The Zom­bie Run was held on Oct. 12 by the Edger­ton Ath­letic Boost­ers at Miller Park. Par­tic­i­pants ran a 3.1-mile obsta­cle course while being chased by “zom­bies.” Indi­vid­u­als por­tray­ing the zom­bies tried to grab three flags the par­tic­i­pants had. Those who lost their flags were “infected” while those who had at least one flag when they passed the fin­ish line received a sur­vivor award.

Another Hal­loween themed run was the Mon­ster Dash 5K spon­sored by First Fed­eral Bank and ben­e­fit­ting the Amer­i­can Can­cer Soci­ety. The walk was held on Oct. 19 at Inde­pen­dence Dam State Park.

One other Hal­loween themed run was held Sat­ur­day. The Boo Run Run raced along West Main Street in Napoleon. It was spon­sored by Dave’s Run­ning. Pro­ceeds from the event ben­e­fit the Napoleon Civic Center.

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