Sauder Opening Soon

SAuder Vil­lage is open­ing for the 2015 sea­son on Tues­day, April 28. New this year guests will be able to enjoy sweet treats at Stella Leona Choco­lates & Cof­fees at Sauder Vil­lage. Another high­light of the 2015 sea­son is the open­ing of the Grime Home­stead. Slated to open mid-June, the newly ren­o­vated Grime Home­stead will allow guests to expe­ri­ence the sto­ries, activ­i­ties and struc­tures of the 1920s — a defin­ing era in Ohio and Amer­i­can his­tory. While this white farm house was once used to tell the story of a 1910 farm fam­ily, it is now the first phase of the 1920s expan­sion at Sauder Vil­lage. Also new this sea­son is an expan­sion to the Sauder Vil­lage Camp­ground. Sched­uled to open late this sum­mer, the Camp­ground Expan­sion will offer 87 sites as well as a new water fea­ture built in a park-like set­ting. The splash pad/spray park water fea­ture will be ready for use by Memo­r­ial Day and will remain open through Labor Day. The indoor pool, hot tub and game room at the Inn will con­tinue to be avail­able to reg­is­tered campers — free of charge. For more details call 800.590.9755, or visit

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