Bryan school dis­trict res­i­dents on Wednes­day got to see architect’s ren­der­ings which show the pro­posed grade 6–12 school’s place­ment north of Foun­tain Grove Drive, and illus­trate the approx­i­mate size and design of the struc­ture.

Also shown in the plans unveiled yes­ter­day, are the park­ing lots and the traf­fic flow, which are sep­a­rate for the 6–12 build­ing and the cur­rent mid­dle school, to be ren­o­vated to house grades pre-K to5.

This design addresses safety issues that now exist with inter­min­gled bus and parent-student traf­fic at the cur­rent high school, Lin­coln and Wash­ing­ton sites.

Offi­cials, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, say the plan should serve the dis­trict over the next 50 to 60 years.

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