A rally was held Mon­day at the Arts and Edu­ca­tion Cen­ter audi­to­rium in Bryan to remind sup­port­ers there’s plenty of work to be done if the 7.45-mill bond issue for the pro­posed new school project is to pass on Nov. 5th and also to remind vot­ers that early vot­ing begins today.

Accord­ing to sup­port­ers, there are “$18.8 Mil­lion Rea­sons I’m Vot­ing Yes!” which is the slo­gan that’s printed on some area yard signs which are now avail­able to those who want to dis­play them.

If you still have any ques­tions about the issue, there will be a pub­lic forum from 7–8 p.m. Thurs­day at the Mid­dle School com­mons.

Under the pro­posal, the dis­trict would con­sol­i­date all of its stu­dents at the cur­rent Mid­dle School site, con­struct a new grade six to 12 build­ing and refur­bish the exist­ing mid­dle school for grades pre-K to five. The exist­ing high school and Lin­coln and Wash­ing­ton Ele­men­tary Schools would then be demol­ished.

For addi­tional infor­ma­tion visit the committee’s web­site at

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