Search For Missing Boys Still Underway, Four Years Later

It’s now been four years since the three Skel­ton broth­ers from Michi­gan were last seen, but inves­ti­ga­tors are still actively work­ing the case.

The Skel­ton boys were in the care of their father, John Skel­ton, when they dis­ap­peared over the Thanks­giv­ing hol­i­day in 2010. Accord­ing to what has been uncov­ered so far in the inves­ti­ga­tion, the boys’ father drove to Williams County the day they went miss­ing and he claims he gave the boys away.

Now, as the four year anniver­sary of their dis­s­a­pear­ance approaches, Michi­gan State Police are reach­ing out to hunters in Ful­ton and Williams coun­ties for help in the case, say­ing hunters in the field this fall may be able to give them the big break they have been wait­ing for.

Police say with the fall hunt­ing sea­son, there are many extra eyes and ears out there, and they are ask­ing hunters to keep an eye out for any evi­dence.

Mean­while, the boys’ father, John Skel­ton, is serv­ing 10 to 15 years in prison for unlaw­ful impris­on­ment related to the boys’ dis­ap­pear­ance. If you do find any­thing, you should call the Michi­gan State Police

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