Sherrod Brown pushing bill to expand school lunch program into summer

Sen­a­tor Sher­rod Brown wants to expand school lunch pro­grams dur­ing sum­mer vaca­tion. Brown said yes­ter­day that the mea­sure called the Hunger Free Sum­mer for KIds Act has cleared the Sen­ate Agri­cul­ture Com­mit­tee. He said the bill will increase access to sum­mer fed­eral child nutri­tion pro­grams by mak­ing it eas­ier for chil­dren in rural areas. The bill will also allow chil­dren to eat their meals off-site, under cer­tain con­di­tions. Three sites in Williams County are in dis­tricts where more than half of the chil­dren are eli­gi­ble for free or reduced lunches.

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