Small Business Saturday promotes local business

With all the focus on the big box stores com­pletely chang­ing “Black Fri­day”, small busi­nesses in our area are remind­ing shop­pers that Sat­ur­day is “small busi­ness Saturday”

Amer­i­can Express is part­ner­ing again with small busi­nesses all around the nation to pro­mote Small Busi­ness Sat­ur­day. It’s a rel­a­tively new tra­di­tion that became suc­cess­ful dur­ing its first few years in existence.

In 2012, Amer­i­can Express reported nearly 74 mil­lion peo­ple patron­ized small busi­nesses dur­ing that year’s Small Busi­ness Sat­ur­day. Last year, con­sumers spent an esti­mated $14 bil­lion at small busi­nesses on that day alone.

Local busi­nesses are join­ing in this national effort.

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