Span­gler Candy Com­pany is request­ing Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties per­mis­sion to cap their water well which was drilled in 1940 well and install a new, 10-inch well on Span­gler Candy Co. prop­erty.

They say that the cur­rent well is fail­ing and unless they can get another source of water, they will be forced to use alter­na­tive meth­ods to cool candy. Those efforts, accord­ing to com­pany offi­cials, would not be as envi­ron­men­tally friendly as using water.

The com­pany has con­sid­ered recy­cling water, but they say it would not be eco­nom­i­cal.

Accord­ing to The Bryan Times, Span­gler Candy has invested $9.4 mil­lion in its North Port­land Street plant over the last two years. The com­pany has 420 full-time employ­ees and is the county’s third-largest taxpayer.

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