Steuben Commissioners At Odds With County Humane Shelter

A dis­pute in Steuben County between the Com­mis­sion­ers and the County Humane Shel­ter… Com­mis­sion­ers took no action on a pro­posed con­tract with the Humane Soci­ety on June 15th over sev­eral con­cerns. The biggest stick­ing point… who in the county should get ser­vice from the Humane Soci­ety? The Soci­ety had agreed to resume ser­vice to Steuben County on June 9th fol­low­ing a deci­sion by the County Coun­cil, in which it voted to drop an ear­lier demand that called for the Shel­ter to pro­vide ser­vice to all county res­i­dents, includ­ing some areas where ser­vice had been sus­pended over fund­ing issues. The County has appro­pri­ated a total of $45,000 for the Shel­ter in 2015. County Com­mis­sion­ers say the entire county should be ser­viced includ­ing the com­munties affected by the sus­pen­sion of ser­vice because those res­i­dents pay county taxes too.

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16 year dead after shooting in Toledo Tuesday morning.

A 16-year-old is dead after being shot Tuesday morning in north Toledo. The shooting happened …