A Michi­gan man went to a hos­pi­tal after crash­ing his truck in Steuben County Sun­day after­noon.

Steuben County Sheriff’s Depart­ment offi­cers responded to 5380 N 450 W around 4:30 p.m. When emer­gency respon­ders arrived, they found a 2005 Ford F250 pick-up truck in the yard. Offi­cials said the truck went off the road and hit a large rock, caus­ing it to flip over. The truck then hit a util­ity pole.

The dri­ver, 54 year old Jef­frey Haupt of Cold­wa­ter, Michi­gan, was still in the driver’s seat. Offi­cers said he had face and head injuries. Haupt was trans­ported to Cameron Hos­pi­tal in Angola.

Haupt was wear­ing his seat­belt, but police sus­pect alco­hol was a fac­tor in the crash.

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