Still No Money From Ruralogic Despite Promises and Court Orders

In late 2010, Ruralogic came to our area, bring­ing with it the promise of train­ing area res­i­dents for careers in IT ser­vices.

Now though, the county and many here are wait­ing for the begin­ning of the court-ordered repay­ments on unpaid loans and wages.

In March, a court deci­sion was handed down in Williams County Com­mon Pleas court, in which Ruralogic was found to be owing the city of Bryan $343,014.69, plus more than $10,000 inter­est, for the bal­ance of an unpaid promis­sory note.

The Bryan Times reports that Mayor Doug John­son claims the city still has not seen any of that money and in fact, he ques­tions whether it ever will.

Orig­i­nally, the city com­mit­ted to a $350,000 Revolv­ing Loan Fund loan. In return, Ruralogic planned to cre­ate 125 new full-time jobs. Ruralogic got the money, but the jobs never mate­ri­al­ized, and now there is no re-payment on the loan.

Other area com­mu­ni­ties also have claims pend­ing against Ruralogic and for­mer employ­ees have also taken the com­pany to court.

At least three for­mer employ­ees have won small claims suits against the com­pany, cit­ing unpaid wages and vaca­tion days owed. Each was awarded $3,000.

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