Strong thun­der­storms with dam­ag­ing winds ripped through north­west Ohio late Sun­day after­noon. The pow­er­ful storms caused numer­ous power out­ages and resulted in dam­age to a num­ber of build­ings.

The National Weather Ser­vice says winds of 60 to 70 miles per hour roared through the area, with some gusts hit­ting as much as 80 miles per hour.

Dam­age was reported to be severe in the Dupont and Cloverdale areas of Put­nam County where St. Barbara’s Catholic Church report­edly was destroyed.

In Henry County, a roof was torn off of a barn, and power lines and trees were reported down.

In Williams County, there were also reports of downed util­ity poles and trees down, and the same for most of Defi­ance and Pauld­ing coun­ties.

Thou­sands of peo­ple in north­west Ohio were with­out power due to the storm.

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