Stryker Says NO To New Tax

In Stryker, the vil­lage coun­cil said “NO” to a new tax. How­ever, that won’t pre­vent coun­cil from plac­ing a finance-related issue on the Novem­ber bal­lot. At Monday’s coun­cil meet­ing, the local paper reports that Stryker Coun­cil voted unan­i­mously to seek re-allocation of the cur­rent 0.5-percent income tax, after pre­vi­ously con­sid­er­ing a new 0.3-percent income tax, before finally decid­ing against that idea. If approved by vot­ers, the tax will be applied to the gen­eral fund, how­ever, it would be pos­si­ble for coun­cil to allo­cate some of those funds on a case-by-case basis for cap­i­tal use as well.

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