Stryker School Board Meets

At their meet­ing on Mon­day, the Stryker Local Schools Board of Edu­ca­tion approved some per­son­nel changes for the 2015–16 school year. Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the board of edu­ca­tion also accepted at least one res­ig­na­tion, that of teacher Beth Lewis, and the hir­ing of sev­eral vol­un­teers. Teach­ing con­tracts for at least three peo­ple were approved, and the super­in­ten­dents rec­om­men­da­tions that were approved, included agree­ments with North­west Ohio Com­puter Asso­ci­a­tion and Williams County Juve­nile Court; mem­ber­ship in the Ohio High School Ath­letic Asso­ci­a­tion; and a trans­porta­tion agree­ment with North Cen­tral Schools. The paper also reports that the board approved the pre­sented a five-year fore­cast; and dona­tions includ­ing $200 to vo-ag; $100 to the junior class; $20 to the junior class; and $50 for the base­ball fund.

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