Stryker Vil­lage Coun­cil met on Mon­day night and dur­ing that meet­ing, a lot of time was spent dis­cussing how to con­trol stray cats.

After the issue of the dis­posal of trapped stray cats by the police depart­ment last month, The Bryan Times reports that coun­cil dis­cussed the need for an offi­cial pol­icy deal­ing with feral cats in Stryker.

Now report­edly under con­sid­er­a­tion, is a res­o­lu­tion which would allow police offi­cers to pro­vide live cat traps to res­i­dents. Under the pro­posed reg­u­la­tion, The Humane Soci­ety would then be con­tacted to han­dle the trapped cats and then Stryker would pay for the cost. Also, an ordi­nance is under con­sid­er­a­tion that would hold any­one who feeds a stray cat, respon­si­ble for any dam­age done by that cat.

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