Uncol­lected stu­dent fees in one area dis­trict reached $45,000, so school offi­cials have come up with what they hope is a way to get the money rolling in.

Offi­cials at Patrick Henry Local Schools have decided not to just wait until the stu­dent grad­u­ates and with­hold their diploma. Instead, they say begin­ning with the 2013–14 school year, the dis­trict will keep stu­dents out of extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties.

Offi­cials at Patrick Henry say they’ve been see­ing some pretty tough times finan­cially, and they had to make cuts. They say that the only other thing they could do was some­thing to strongly encour­age fam­i­lies to pay the fees. Offi­cials hope that it will be effec­tive in recov­er­ing the lost revenue.

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