A Wauseon teenager died Fri­day in a Ful­ton County trac­tor acci­dent.

Accord­ing to the Ohio State High­way Patrol, 18 year old Kyle Beck of Wauseon, was pro­nounced dead at the scene on County Road 24 north of County Road F in Ger­man Town­ship.

Inves­ti­ga­tors say it appears that Beck was attempt­ing to jump onto a south­bound trac­tor with which he had pre­vi­ously been work­ing. The trac­tor was in motion, and Beck fell to the ground and was run over.

Accord­ing to police, at the time of the acci­dent a 13-year-old boy was oper­at­ing the John Deere trac­tor haul­ing two grav­ity bed wag­ons loaded with corn.

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