Trine Enrollment Up

Trine Uni­ver­sity announced on Wednes­day that the num­ber of stu­dents tak­ing sum­mer courses increased by 66 per­cent on Trine’s main cam­pus this year. Accord­ing to a uni­ver­sity press release, 546 stu­dents are tak­ing sum­mer classes on the main cam­pus this year com­pared to 329 in 2014. In addi­tion, more stu­dents are tak­ing classes in Trine’s School of Pro­fes­sional Stud­ies with 420 this sum­mer com­pared to 377 last year. Dur­ing the sum­mer months, stu­dents from Trine and other col­leges take classes in shorter ses­sions of three, six and 12 weeks. More than 100 classes are avail­able to stu­dents dur­ing the sum­mer months. Look­ing ahead to the fall, the uni­ver­sity is expect­ing over 600 new stu­dents which could swell the enroll­ment on the main cam­pus to 2,000. Con­struc­tion con­tin­ues on the Larry and Judy Rein­ers Res­i­dence Hall which will house 170 stu­dents. It is sched­uled to open in August.

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