Trine Shows Rapid Growth

Lots of new stu­dents will be greeted by new and ren­o­vated build­ings when they arrive on the main Trine cam­pus in Angola for the start of classes on August 24th. School offi­cials there say enroll­ment is expected to go up for a third straight year, with an antic­i­pated 27 per­cent enroll­ment growth from last year. In 2013–14, Trine had 2,417 stu­dents. That pop­u­la­tion swelled to 3,642 stu­dents in 2014–15 and this year enroll­ment increased again with 4,627 stu­dents. Trine is expect­ing 625 new under­grad­u­ate stu­dents as well as over 300 inter­na­tional stu­dents rep­re­sent­ing 20 coun­tries. To accom­mo­date the grow­ing num­ber of stu­dents, the new Larry and Judy Rein­ers Res­i­dence Hall, with 170 beds, and cost­ing $7.1 Mil­lion to build, will be open this fall. Ford Hall, home of the Ket­ner School of Busi­ness has also been com­pletely refur­bished for this year.

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