Troubles Shut Bryan Post Office

If you tried to mail a let­ter from the Bryan Post Office yes­ter­day, you prob­a­bly ran into some dif­fi­culty. That’s because it was closed.

The postal ser­vice shut down the Bryan Post Office on Wednes­day, for what they termed “tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties”.

Accord­ing to postal author­i­ties, the clo­sure was due to an equip­ment fail­ure that affected the abil­ity to com­plete retail trans­ac­tions at the post office.

They say they hope to have the sit­u­a­tion cor­rected, and the post office should be open again today.

If you need to pick up a cer­ti­fied let­ter or other mail at the Bryan Post Office, and you find it closed, you should knock on the door, or call them ahead of time if possible.

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