Turbines On The Discussion Table In Bryan

It looks like it’s gonna be costly to fix Bryan Power Plant’s No. 2 gas tur­bine… about $1.5 Mil­lion to be exact, accord­ing to Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties. The Bryan Times reports that for $1.325 mil­lion, Texas-based Sulzer Turbo Ser­vices Hous­ton Inc., could make min­i­mal repairs to get the unit run­ning safely. For $1.525 mil­lion, the com­pany could make more exten­sive repairs and could guar­an­tee bet­ter per­for­mance. With­out any repairs, city offi­cials were told that the tur­bine would become a safety issue. The Bryan Board of Pub­lic Affairs did not come to any final deci­sion as to which direc­tion is is lean­ing at Tuesday’s reg­u­lar meet­ing, how­ever the $1.525 mil­lion option is likely up for dis­cus­sion at the board’s next meet­ing, slated for April 21.

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