A num­ber of indict­ments were handed down Tues­day by a Williams County Grand Jury. Among those indicted was a man who recently moved here.

22 year old Travis Hicks had been liv­ing in Texas, but in August moved into a home on County Road 17 belong­ing to his friend, 55 year old Tommy Yates. Hicks was charged Tues­day in con­nec­tion to a string of bur­glar­ies in the area.

Williams County res­i­dents started report­ing items miss­ing from barns and homes, all located near were Hicks was liv­ing.

The miss­ing items included jew­elry boxes, a flat-screen tele­vi­sion, lap­top com­put­ers, a lawn mower, car bat­ter­ies and tools.

Fol­low­ing his indict­ment, Hicks now faces two counts of break­ing and enter­ing for the bur­glar­ies.

He’s also charged with theft from an elderly per­son, after police say he stole an alu­minum home­made trailer.

Police say it all hap­pened between Aug. 16 and Sept. 2.

Mean­while, Tommy Yates also faces charges includ­ing obstruct­ing jus­tice and receiv­ing stolen prop­erty, after police say he helped con­ceal Hicks’ crimes, and also was respon­si­ble for obtain­ing some stolen items himself.

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