The Ohio State High­way Patrol says a motor­cy­clist and his wife were both injured Wednes­day when their motor­cy­cle ran off the road in Ful­ton County.

52 year old Ronald Fre­itag, Sr., was west­bound on State Rt. 120 just after noon yes­ter­day when he trav­eled off the north side of the road and hit a mail­box. As he tried to get back on the road­way, he lost con­trol and ran off the south side the road.

The motor­cy­cle flipped, and he and his pas­sen­ger, 46 year old Tamara Fre­itag were thrown from it.

They were both taken by med­ical heli­copter to Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­ical Cen­ter in Toledo. Mrs. Fre­itag was listed in crit­i­cal condition.

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