Two Injured In Motorcycle Crash On I-69

Two Michi­gan res­i­dents were injured Mon­day morn­ing in a motor­cy­cle crash on I-69 at the Crooked Lake Exit. It hap­pened yes­ter­day morn­ing around 5:00am when the back tire appar­ently blew out on a motor­cy­cle dri­ven by 46-year-old Robert Lane of Flint, Michi­gan. Lane lost con­trol of the bike, which then flipped. He and a pas­sen­ger, 36 year old Kine­jah Webb were thrown from the bike. Webb was flown to Parkview Regional Med­ical Cen­ter for treat­ment. Lane was taken by ambu­lance to Parkview after the sec­ond chop­per couldn’t land because of the weather. No word yet on their conditions.

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