Vehicle Slams Into House And Starts Blaze

A vehi­cle slammed into a home in Mal­inta early Wednes­day morn­ing, set­ting fire to the house.

The Henry County Sheriff’s Office says it hap­pened just before 1am Wednes­day when 36 year old Jef­fery Lauharn of Toledo lost con­trol of his vehi­cle, hit a pile of mulch, and then slammed into the liv­ing room of a home occu­pied by Travis Swi­hart and his fam­ily, ignit­ing a fire on the porch.

Swi­hart, his wife Angel, and three chil­dren were home at the time.

The house was almost imme­di­ately engulfed in flames. The fam­ily got out with­out injury.

Lauharn how­ever, fled the scene. He was picked up later in the morn­ing and taken to Henry County Hos­pi­tal for treat­ment of minor injuries, then locked up in CCNO after being charged with grand theft and other charges when it was dis­cov­ered that he had stolen the vehi­cle ear­lier in the night.

If you’d like to help the Swi­harts, who are now with­out a home, make a check payable to Travis and Angel Swi­hart and mail it to the Amer­i­can Red Cross of Henry County, 104 E. Wash­ing­ton St., Suite 116, Napoleon, OH 43545.

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