Wauseon Councilman Indicted On Felony Charges

A Wauseon City Coun­cil­man has been indicted by a Ful­ton County grand jury on two felony charges.

The indict­ment was handed down Tues­day against Fred Allen, who is charged with tam­per­ing with records and theft in office, both felonies.

Accord­ing to the Ful­ton County Prosecutor’s Office, between Jan­u­ary, 2012, and this past Feb­ru­ary, Allen allegedly stole prop­erty or ser­vices owned by the county, and tam­pered with records belong­ing to a gov­ern­ment entity.

City offi­cials have placed Allen, who had also been serv­ing as the city’s assis­tant fire chief, is on admin­is­tra­tive leave from the Wauseon Fire Depart­ment, how­ever he still remains a mem­ber of city council.

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