Wauseon Homecoming Festival

The annual Wauseon Home­com­ing Fes­ti­val kicks off this Thurs­day with three full days of food and fun in Down­town Wauseon.

Those attend­ing will be able to buy raf­fle tick­ets for a big prize draw­ing Sat­ur­day. One grand prize win­ner will walk off with a $10,000 cash prize. The second-place win­ner will receive a cus­tom golf cart, and the third-place win­ner will take home a 46-inch flat screen tele­vi­sion.

Tick­ets are one for $5, three for $10, or seven for $20. Spe­cial kids prizes will also be given away.

Pork chop sand­wiches and brats will be served on the cour­t­house lawn. There’ll be rides and games for the kids and a parade too.

On Fri­day, there will be a bat­tle of the bands and a teen dance.

Wauseon Home­com­ing has been a big event since 1934. All pro­ceeds ben­e­fit the local parks and recre­ation department.

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