Wauseon Residents Speak Out Against Development

In Wauseon, res­i­dents of one sub­di­vi­sion spoke up loud and clear at the Mon­day night meet­ing of Wauseon City Coun­cil, about how they are against a pro­posed plan for a clus­ter of rental prop­er­ties.

More than 80 Pat West home­own­ers told coun­cil that they were opposed to plans by devel­oper Tim Den­nis to build a 37-unit planned urban devel­op­ment on roughly six acres there.

Pat West cur­rently includes 61 homes on 29 acres, and home­own­ers, accord­ing to the Cre­sent News, told coun­cil they would be con­cerned about crime, prop­erty val­ues, traf­fic and more if the plan is approved.

The plan­ning com­mis­sion is required to make a rec­om­men­da­tion to coun­cil on the mat­ter by June 12, and inform the devel­oper of that deci­sion no later than June 19.

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