Weather a wild card as GOP’s Kasich holds inauguration event

Cold and freez­ing rain did not pre­vent 200 peo­ple from attend­ing John Kasich’s for­mal mid­night swearing-in ceremony.

How­ever, weather may put a damper on the big­ger pro­duc­tion the gov­er­nor has for his inau­gu­ra­tion cel­e­bra­tion today.

Last night, Kasich told those in atten­dance that he hand­picked every one of them because of how spe­cial they meant to him.

It remains unclear whether or not New Jer­sey gov­er­nor and poten­tial pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Chris Christie would main­tain his ambi­tious travel sched­ule and make it to Colum­bus today.

Christie had planned on com­ing to Colum­bus from Green Bay, where he watched yesterday’s play­off game between the Pack­ers and the Dal­las Cowboys.

He also planned on trav­el­ing from Colum­bus to Illi­nois for the inau­gural din­ner of that state’s new governor.

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