It’s gonna be a big week­end in our area for Christ­mas parades…

Santa will be in Defi­ance today, in Napoleon’s Christ­mas parade on Sat­ur­day morn­ing and in Hicksville’s parade Sat­ur­day after­noon.

Santa is all set to touch­down in down­town Defi­ance this after­noon start­ing at 4 with spe­cial events hap­pen­ing in the down­town area till 7 tonight, includ­ing a sto­ry­time with Santa at 6:30 at the Defi­ance Devel­op­ment and Vis­i­tors Bureau

Henry County’s Christ­mas parade will be held in Napoleon tomor­row from 10 a.m.-noon. Santa will be in the parade, which will start at the fair­grounds and pro­ceed to the cour­t­house.

Down­town Hicksville will host its fourth annual “Christ­mas in the Vil­lage” fes­tiv­i­ties on Sat­ur­day after­noon. There will be a parade in Hicksville, start­ing at 5:30 at the Defi­ance County Fair­grounds and end­ing next to the library.

Also, Hicksville’s first Christ­mas Light Cruise-Thru and Hol­i­day Fes­ti­val will be held from 6–10 tomor­row evening at the fairgrounds.

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