Some rivers have been flood­ing for nearly a week, and emer­gency offi­cials say the recent rain will pro­long the period of high water.

Nearly an inch of rain fell in many areas from Tues­day night through Wednes­day after­noon.

Flood Warn­ings are in effect for Ful­ton, Henry, Defi­ance, and Pauld­ing Coun­ties of Ohio, plus Branch County, Michi­gan. A Flood Advi­sory con­tin­ues in Cal­houn County, Michi­gan.

Near Edger­ton, in west­ern Williams County, the Saint Joseph River crested about 3′ above flood stage on Mon­day. It has only fallen about a foot since then, and the mid­week rain is now caus­ing it to rise again slightly. The National Weather Ser­vice only expects it to rise sev­eral inches before falling again, this week­end.

Dry weather from Fri­day through the mid­dle of the week­end should allow rivers a chance to recover.

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