Williams Co. Commission vows to cut debt, get projects done

Now in news that affects your wal­let, Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers say the pri­or­ity this year is to reduce the county’s debt. The bulk of the debt stems from the con­struc­tion for the county’s East Annex office build­ing at 1425 E. High St.
In other devel­op­ments, a Delphos con­struc­tion com­pany won the bid to repair the cour­t­house. The E. Lee Com­pany won the job with a $1.46 mil­lion dol­lar bid and is expected to begin the job this week. It should last about six months.
A new wire­less dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions sys­tem is going to be installed in the county-owned Hill­side County Liv­ing cam­pus on County Rd. 16, for nearly $66,000. Cur­rent TEK Solu­tions, of Bryan, will install the system.

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Williams Co. Dive Team has been expanded.

The Williams County dive rescue team has been expanded, outfitted and is in the process …