Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers met Mon­day and approved the hir­ing of two new full-time employ­ees as assis­tant cus­to­di­ans for the county cour­t­house and office build­ings. The new hires offi­cially start on July 15.

The Bryan Times also reports that Com­mis­sion­ers met in exec­u­tive ses­sion to dis­cuss details per­tain­ing to cour­t­house secu­rity.

Two sup­ple­men­tal appro­pri­a­tions were also approved at yesterday’s meet­ing…

$100 for the dog war­den, for postage and ship­ping and $2,000 for the Court of Com­mon Pleas, for Ohio Pub­lic Defend­ers Recoup­ment; sup­plies; and con­tract services.

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Bryan BPA adding two new positions.

Tuesday night, the Bryan Board of Public Affairs (BPA) approved adding two new positions in …