Williams Commissioners Open Bids

Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers opened four bids Thurs­day after­noon for the pro­posed East Annex project.

The Bryan Times says the job will involve ren­o­va­tion of the for­mer Miller’s New Mar­ket gro­cery store, con­vert­ing it to county office space.

Fet­ters Con­struc­tion of Auburn sub­mit­ted a total bid of $4,738,000.

Mid­west Con­struc­tion Inc. of Hol­land sub­mit­ted a total bid of $4,738,675.

Mosser Con­struc­tion of Fre­mont sub­mit­ted a total bid of $4,674,500.

Hamil­ton Hunter Builders Inc. of Fort Wayne sub­mit­ted a total bid of $5,180,125.

Com­mis­sion­ers took the bids under advise­ment and will likely make a deci­sion by the end of the month.

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