Williams County Fair Ready To Roll

Here it comes! The Williams County Fair kicks off this Sat­ur­day and runs through the fol­low­ing Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 19 in Mont­pe­lier. Admis­sion is $5 for adults.… kids 12 and younger get in for free. Adult sea­son passes are $20 and stu­dent passes are just $10. Ris­ing coun­try star Austin Webb will per­form at 7:30PM this Sat­ur­day at the grand­stand. Hotel Cal­i­for­nia, the orig­i­nal Eagles Trib­ute Band, will per­form at 7:30PM this Sun­day. Tick­ets are $8 for gen­eral admis­sion and $10 for indi­vid­ual seat­ing for both shows, and are avail­able at www.wcofair.com or by call­ing 419–485-3755.
Of course, there will be rides, games, and agri­cul­tural exhibits all week long. On Sat­ur­day, all vet­er­ans and activ­ity duty ser­vice mem­bers and their spouses will be admit­ted for free until 3PM.

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