Williams County Sher­iff Steve Towns has released a pre­lim­i­nary sum­mary of activ­ity for the Sheriff’s Office for the first quar­ter of 2013. So far this year, his office has han­dled 862 calls for ser­vice includ­ing:

87 crashes, 42 Domes­tics, 36 Fraud cases, 22 Tele­phone Harass­ments, 29 Traf­fic Com­plaints, 20 Thefts, 9 Break­ing & Enter­ing com­plaints, 8 Bur­glarys, 7 instances of Prop­erty Dam­age, and 1 Van­dal­ism. Offi­cers have also issued 53 Cita­tions and served 216 papers. There were 64 requests for assis­tance with other police agen­cies, 26 Alarm responses, 16 K-9 Requests, 24 Keep the Peace and 18 Ani­mal calls. The Williams County Sheriff’s office also processed 46 Sher­iff Sales of Real Estate, 285 Webchecks and elec­tronic fin­ger print­ings, and processed 208 new per­mits & renewed 17 Con­cealed Carry Per­mits.

Those sta­tis­tics do not account for drug com­plaints han­dled by the Multi Area Nar­cotics Unit.

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