Williams County Sheriff Makes More Meth Arrests

Early Sun­day morn­ing, around 2:30am, the Williams County Sheriff’s Office was called to County Road-K to check out a report of a sus­pected metham­phet­a­mine lab. Three peo­ple there were taken into cus­tody… Brian Oliphant, Jerred Bar­ron, and Mark Oliphant. Brian Oliphant tried to run, but he didn’t get far after he was tracked down by a deputy and a K9. Items used to man­u­fac­ture meth were seized. Brian Oliphant and Jerred Bar­ron were arrested on pre­vi­ously exist­ing war­rants, and taken to CCNO. Mark Oliphant was locked up in CCNO on a pro­ba­tion vio­la­tion.

The inves­ti­ga­tion is con­tin­u­ing, and more charges are likely.

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