Williams County Sheriff Report

The Williams County Sheriff’s Office says 55 year old Colleen Schlosser of Eden was involved in a sin­gle vehi­cle acci­dent on Mon­day morn­ing on County Road 1.5 just south of US-20 in North­west Town­ship, when she hit a deer that ran onto the high­way. Her vehi­cle sus­tained minor dam­age. No word on whether Schlosser was hurt.


On Wednes­day, the sheriff’s office says 20 year old Logan Mck­elvey of Mont­pe­lier was dri­ving on SR-34 in Spring­field Town­ship, when he appar­ently fell asleep, ran off the road, hit a tree, then went into a ditch.

McK­elvey was cited for fail­ure to con­trol his vehi­cle. Amaz­ingly, there were no injuries, but the vehi­cle was heav­ily dam­aged.


34 year old Willard Mad­dox of Bryan was arrested by sheriff’s offi­cers on Thurs­day. Mad­dox was charged with vio­lat­ing a pro­tec­tion order. He was taken to CCNO where he was placed behind bars. It hap­pened around 9:30 yes­ter­day morn­ing.


And sheriff’s offi­cers say they arrested 18 year old Annete Mad­dox of Bryan around 9:50 yes­ter­day morn­ing, on a charge of obstruct­ing offi­cial busi­ness.

Annette Mad­dox was also taken to CCNO where she was locked up.

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