Wood County Crash Shuts Down Interstate

A crash on Inter­state 75 in Wood County Wednes­day morn­ing shut down both the north and south­bound lanes for approx­i­mately two hours. A Sub­aru Legacy dri­ven by 22 year old Rebecca Beer­man of Lan­caster was south­bound on I-75 in the right lane. Her vehi­cle trav­eled off the right side of the road­way, over-corrected, crossed both lanes of travel and struck a Freight­liner dri­ven by a man from Dear­born, Mich., who was also south­bound on I-75 in the left lane. After the col­li­sion, the truck struck the con­crete median, which pushed the median bar­rier into the north­bound lanes. The impact with the bar­ri­ers rup­tured the left fuel tank of the rig, and about 70 gal­lons of diesel fuel spilled. The truck dri­ver was taken to Wood County Hos­pi­tal in Bowl­ing Green, with minor injuries. Beer­man was not hurt, but she was cited for fail­ure to control.

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