Relay For Life Delayed By Weather

The threat of tor­na­does caused offi­cials of the Relay for Life of Pauld­ing County to sus­pend the relay from mid­night on Fri­day night until 6 a.m. Sat­ur­day morn­ing, when it con­tin­ued until clos­ing cer­e­monies at noon. The relay was held at the Pauld­ing County Fair­grounds.

There was a wind-related injury to a per­son at the fair­grounds who was involved in set­ting up an area for the relay, a fund raiser for the Amer­i­can Can­cer Soci­ety.

The injured per­son was hos­pi­tal­ized but the injury was not life-threatening. That inci­dent made offi­cials decide to go ahead and firm up their safety pro­ce­dures, in case of a severe storm or a tor­nado sight­ing.

In spite of it all, they raised about $115,000, and there are still more funds com­ing in.

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