Free Mammograms Offered

ProMed­ica Defi­ance Regional Hos­pi­tal is offer­ing free mam­mo­grams to unin­sured and under insured patients on Wednes­day. The goal is to pro­vide free mam­mo­grams for women or men who have not had one within the last 24 months or per­sons with a per­sonal his­tory of breast can­cer, a close rel­a­tive who had breast can­cer or a self-disclosed or doctor-identified abnor­mal­ity. The screen­ings will include a clin­i­cal breast exam, screen­ing mam­mo­gram, edu­ca­tion and follow-up sup­port.

Call for an appoint­ment at 419–783-6984. Spon­sor­ing the screen­ing are the hos­pi­tal, ProMed­ica Can­cer Insti­tute, Defi­ance Radi­ol­ogy Asso­ciates and ProMed­ica Bay Park Women’s Ser­vices through fund­ing from the North­west Ohio Affil­i­ate of Susan G. Komen.

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