Defiance’s city admin­is­tra­tion said it’s pos­si­ble some deep bud­get cuts will be nec­es­sary in the com­ing year.

The city’s finance direc­tor out­lined $445,700 in pro­posed bud­get cuts that he says will be nec­es­sary if city vot­ers reject the 0.3 per­cent income tax increase for police and fire ser­vices on Nov. 3.

One thing that is at the top of the list of cut-backs is the Kings­bury pool. If the levy fails, the pool would be closed in order to save more than $76,000.

Other cuts would affect the Tut­tle Museum/city historian’s office bud­get, which would be cut in half to $21,500 and the Com­mu­nity Improve­ment Cor­po­ra­tion fund­ing would be reduced from $50,000 to its pre­vi­ous level of $25,000. Sum­mer youth league sub­si­dies ($18,750 this year) and ball field light­ing (esti­mated at $5,000 annu­ally) would also be eliminated.

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