This year, Ohio law enforce­ment agen­cies will join thou­sands of other high­way safety part­ners through­out the nation to take part in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over crack­down on impaired dri­ving. The enforce­ment blitz begins Fri­day, August 16 and will last through Labor Day.

Dur­ing the enforce­ment period, law enforce­ment part­ners have planned more than 7,000 enforce­ment hours and more than 900 hours of sat­u­ra­tion patrols around the state.

Accord­ing to pro­vi­sional data, 494 peo­ple died in 453 OVI-related crashes on Ohio’s roads in 2012. Impaired dri­vers were involved in 44 per­cent of all fatal traf­fic crashes.

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