A second appeal by a local church to the Edgerton Village Council requesting relief from a fee, brought no results Monday evening.
Rev. Rick Barnett, lead pastor of the Edgerton United Methodist Church, along with several parishioners, appeared before council to request a waiver of a $50 per month fee the church is now being charged.
It was the same request he made at the November 4th meeting. He got the same answer… no.
The Edgerton Methodist Church was destroyed by a fire in 2012, and is currently being rebuilt. A new state-of-the-art fire suppression system in the church has resulted in a monthly up size fee on the water tap, which has gone from 2 to 6 inches.
According to the Bryan Times, the mayor already explained that council had discussed it and had decided not to waive the fee. The mayor told Reverend Barnett that waiving it for the church would set a precedent. The fee schedule is $25 for a 4-inch line, $50 for a 6-inch and $75 for an 8-inch line, and those fees were being paid by other entities according to the mayor.
Meanwhile, Reverend Barnett argues that the church is a not-for-profit organization, and he asked council to vote on the issue.
Council decided that there was no need to vote, since the decision had been made last week, meaning the church will have to pay up.