S-K Tool Property Taxes At Issue

Defi­ance County com­mis­sion­ers on Tues­day, con­tin­ued to search for a long-term solu­tion for the for­mer SK Hand Tool prop­erty on Hick­ory Street in Rich­land Town­ship.

The for­mer tool maker closed up shop sev­eral years ago after declar­ing bank­ruptcy. Ever since then, accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, the prop­erty has fallen into dis­re­pair and prop­erty taxes have not been paid.

The county now is work­ing with a firm that deals with aban­doned fac­tory sites and their rede­vel­op­ment, how­ever the past due taxes are a stick­ing point.

Defi­ance County claims the delin­quent prop­erty taxes will add up to more than $146,000 by the time second-half 2014 prop­erty taxes are due on July 21.

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