Bank Robbery Suspect Nabbed

Angola Police say a sus­pect in the April 1st rob­bery of the Wells Fargo Bank in Angola, is now in cus­tody in Col­orado. 39-year-old Jason Radi­gan of Michi­gan was arrested on Sat­ur­day on a bank rob­bery charge, fol­low­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion of sev­eral bank rob­beries in the Tri-state area over the last sev­eral months. The Wells Fargo rob­bery took place just before clos­ing time when a man handed a note to a teller demand­ing money. No weapon was dis­played. Radi­gan is cur­rently being held on a war­rant for another bank rob­bery last week in Per­rys­burg, Ohio. The F.B.I. was involved in the inves­ti­ga­tion along with police in Angola and Per­rys­burg, the Col­orado State Police, the Indi­ana State Police, the Steuben County Sher­iffs Office and Crimestop­pers. The case is still under investigation.

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