Missing Sex Offender Sought

The Steuben County Sheriff’s Office is try­ing to find a Fre­mont man who they say is wanted for allegedly vio­lat­ing his pro­ba­tion.

An arrest war­rant was issued last month out of Steuben Supe­rior Court for 26 year old Corey Wits­man. Offi­cials say he was serv­ing pro­ba­tion after being con­victed last year of sex­ual mis­con­duct with a minor.

Wits­man is also a reg­is­tered sex offender, and there is an ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion into his alleged fail­ure to reg­is­ter as a sex offender.

Wits­man is described as a white male, five-feet-ten, 165 pounds with hazel eyes and auburn col­ored hair. He was last known to have a jaw line beard and a mous­tache. Any­one with infor­ma­tion on Witsman’s where­abouts is asked to con­tact the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office or Steuben County Crime Stoppers.

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